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Your Postpartum Coach

Mother of Two, Fitness Professional, Athlete


After my second child, I was diagnosed with Diatasis Recti.  At the time of my 6 week check-up, the separation was severe, almost 5cm wide and over two knuckles deep. As an athlete and a fitness professional, I felt that I had no where to turn for help.  All I wanted was to get back to CrossFit!  After 10 months of modifying due to pregnancy, I couldn't wait to be back in the gym, feeling like my old self.


Unfortunately, this was not going to be my reality.  I ignored my diagnosis, thinking, I can surely solve this on my own.  My fitness will come through for me!  Wrong again.  After months of trying different programs and products with absolutely no results, I was hopeless.  I thought that I had to live with this forever. I thought I would have the "mom pooch", leaking, lower back pain, all the DR systems, forever. Thank God, I was wrong again!


After a combination of education, testing methods, and a combined effort among physical therapists and other fitness professionals, I discovered how to heal Diastasis Recti and all of it's symptoms.  


I am thrilled to be able to share this method with other moms and want to spread the joy and truth that you DON'T have to live like this forever.  There is so much hope for your postpartum body, no matter how many days or years postpartum! Once a mom, ALWAYS a mom!





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