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Making The Time

How to make time for yourself when the whole world needs you!

It's no doubt, you are pulled in a thousand different directions daily. Packing lunches, running a business, remembering all of the checklists, laundry, cleaning, managing work commitments, you name it, I bet you are doing it! How could you even imagine adding one more thing to this list?

Trust me, momma. I'm with you! I'm a mom of two beautiful boys, ages 5 and 1. Just managing them, even with an amazing husband and partner, is a FULL TIME JOB. Loving my children and also admitting that they can drain all of my energy are not mutually exclusive statements. They are like little bundles of energy fire ping ponging all around the house!

In addition to the two nuggets, my husband and I co-own Broadreach Health and Fitness, a fantastic community of people with a full schedule of classes and coaches. To add another layer, I also work a full-time job as an accountant. And then, let's just add a couple more for fun (HA!)

  • Nutrition Coach

  • Personal Trainer

Sound familiar? We all wear so many hats! How in the world could we add one more thing to our plates? There's absolutely no way! If this is your mindset when starting to think about adding a fitness class or schedule to your life, I encourage you to read on!

Remember the "WHY"

If you are still reading, it's likely that you are in this boat.

"I really want to start a fitness routine but there's no way I can find the time!"

Let's start with the "why". Why are you looking to start a fitness routine? What do you want to gain? Are you looking to feel better? Manage pain? Support mental health? Gain energy? Live longer?

Interesting... Do you see how all of those things point back to my original hats?

If I feel better, am in less pain, am managing my mental health, have more energy, and potentially add years to my life, LOOK what that does to all of my hats:

  • My kids enjoy the time they spend with me more because I am happy, I am cared for, I am nourished and that means I have room to pour more in to them! I can run, chase, tackle (cause I'm a boy mom lol). Now, I don't know if there's enough energy in the world to ever match them, but I hold me own!

  • My work thrives. I don't dread my work days because I have things to look forward to. I know that while I may be sitting now, I get to move later! I know the life it affords me and I know that, at the end of the day, I will get to move my body and it will feel good!

  • Prioritizing my health allows me to be a better mom, a better accountant, a better coach, a better wife, ALL because I, MYSELF, feel BETTER!

Now, who doesn't have a few minutes for that each day!

That Sounds Great, but still... WHEN?

I get it, the actual time commitment is different. How do I do it?


Every week, make a plan. Look at the week ahead of you and just like you know when you have to drop the kids at school, know when you are going to give yourself time.

For me, this means getting to the gym at a minimum 2x per week. I coordinate my schedule with my "team" inclusive of my husband, mom, colleagues etc. to ensure that this happens. On the other days, I use the elements of the 12-Week Core Strengthening program since these can be done anytime, any where and even with toddler crawling on top of you!

Consistency builds routine, routine builds habits, habits are hard to break.

Making time can seem impossible, but the benefits outweigh the costs.

Schedule your fitness just like you would schedule a doctor's appointment. It's a commitment. Then, show up!

If you want to talk more, or need more support, you can always reach out to me by text, 919-804-1894, or schedule a call!

P.S. I don't believe that there is anything particularly unique or special about me. I know that all mom's can do this and I just want to provide a platform to empower you, guide you, and drive the believe in yourself! You've got this, momma!

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